Acumen’s COVID-19 Update: June 23, 2020

Acumen Wealth Advisors is committed to providing information and resources in these evolving times to help you make decisions for you, your family, and your business.  We have been collecting and analyzing data concerning the impact of COVID-19 and filtering it to you so you can make informed choices based on your specific situation.

Acumen’s portfolio analyst, Grant Allen, reviews the data daily to analyze trends regarding the virus and how it can affect the global economy as well as how we interact with our family, friends, and teammates.  Email us at for a link to watch our video for an in-depth analysis.  Some key points of our research include:

Charts as of 06/22/2020 for TN, NY, and CA are below.  For more information, please contact us to let us know if you’d like:

Stay well and be safe!

Your Acumen Team

Recent Facts from the Chattanooga Times Free Press



The data used for the coronavirus tracking is obtained from  The opinions expressed in this commentary should not be considered as fact. All opinions expressed are as of the published date and are subject to change. The information has been obtained from sources we believe to be reliable; however, no guarantee is made or implied with respect to its accuracy, timeliness, or completeness. 

Acumen Wealth Advisors, LLC® is a Registered Investment Adviser. Advisory services are only offered to clients or prospective clients where Acumen Wealth Advisors, LLC® and its representatives are properly licensed or exempt from licensure. Past performance is no guarantee of future returns. Investing involves risk and possible loss of principal capital. No advice may be rendered by Acumen Wealth Advisors, LLC® unless a client service agreement is in place.