Hamilton County Schools: “Accelerating Our Focus in the New Year”

Acumen realizes the importance of a good education.  It has the power to change lives.  Our firm is committed to investing in and supporting schools in Hamilton County.  Although our county has had many challenges and has been one of the lowest performing school systems in the State of Tennessee, we are pleased to see the progress being made with the new school board leadership.  Improved results in education will be felt in the form of increased economic opportunity, decreased violence, and a more united community.  We would like to share with you 2019’s outlook from Dr. Bryan Johnson, the Superintendent of Hamilton County Schools.

Accelerating Our Focus in the New Year

As the year comes to a close, I find myself reflecting on the incredible work that was done this year by Hamilton County students, teachers and staff. In August we officially launched 20 Future Ready Institutes in 13 of our high schools, which provide students with a unique learning environment that tailors their education to career-themed subjects. We also equipped every middle school student with a Chromebook through our 1:1 initiative and opened eight new VW eLabs, for a total of 17 eLabs across the district, making us a national leader in public K-12 for digital fabrication labs. This year we also saw the highest graduation rate in Hamilton County Schools since 2011 at 86 percent and reached a Level 3 in student academic growth for the first time since 2013. While our district is making strides toward our goal of becoming the fastest-improving district in the state of Tennessee, there is still a lot of work ahead of us.

In October, the Hamilton County Board of Education approved Future Ready 2023!, our district plan that outlines the work Hamilton County Schools will do over the next five years. We believe our ultimate responsibility is to prepare graduates for life beyond high school, so the overarching theme of this plan is to make sure our children are ready for the future. In addition to key performance indicators and related targets that we’ve defined in the plan, the district will pursue five priority targets to measure our progress along the journey and our success at the end of Future Ready 2023!’s five-year timeframe.

Focus Five Performance Targets

I will continue to share regular updates and information with you as we make progress toward our goals in Future Ready 2023! The saying “it takes a village” could not be truer when it comes to educating our children. Family support is vital to the success of our students, and we want to make sure you understand and share our goals, so you can work with us every step of the way.

I hope everyone has a wonderful holiday season, and I look forward to continuing our progress for children in the New Year!


Dr. Bryan Johnson

Superintendent, Hamilton County Schools